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US$ 80  

Price valid for EU countries.


Free shipping. Delivery time 3-5 business days.


Items are not returnable, refundable or exchangeable, except for what is warranted. 

RENEW Patch by Prife International.

Biofield Resonance Technology™

Assists with

  • Rejuvenating & Revitalizing the Body Inside & Out 

  • Improving Skin Appearance & Radiance 

  • Increasing Energy & Vitality 

  • Enhancing Quality & Quantity of Sleep 

  • Increasing Performance Endurance 

  • Reducing Stress, Worry & Tension

Nature’s Frequencies Renew Patches are non-transdermal wearable energetic health and wellness patches programmed with the power of nature’s frequencies utilizing our US-Patented technology.

Instructions For Use:

  1. Peel and place Renew Patches on any area of discomfort or where you would like the effects to be the most noticeable (Renew Patches may also be placed on the acupressure points as shown on the diagram.)

  2. Renew Patches adhere best to clean, dry, hairless skin. Patches may be secured with athletic tape or a small bandage.

  3. The Renew Patch is designed for both people and pets. (Optimal use is up to 3 days.)


Prices are given in USD (US dollars). Price is converted to your local currency during payment. 

envy spec okulary skalarne

Zalety noszenia Envy-Spec:

  • Łagodzi objawy suchości oczu, przeciążenia oczu i zmęczenia oczu.

  • Poprawia widzenie i przywraca witalność oczu.

  • Poprawia układ mikrokrążenia i rozluźnia mięśnie rzęskowe.

  • Uwalnia promienie dalekiej podczerwieni, zwiększając poziom tlenu i aktywując cząsteczki wody w oczach.

  • Wkrocz w nową erę pielęgnacji oczu z Envy-Spec Adults i ciesz się korzyściami zaawansowanej technologii i doskonałą ochroną oczu.

Model K44 Envy-Spec

K44: granatowy
K44: zielony
K44: szary
K44: burgundy
K44: niebieski

Model K46 Envy-Spec

K46: granatowy
K46: zielony
K46: szary
K46: burgundy
K46: niebieski

Model K47 Envy-Spec

K47: granatowy
K47: zielony
K47: szary
K47: burgundy
K47: niebieski
logo iTeraCare IBO

Independent distributor of official and original iTeraCare devices by Prife Intl in Poland and in Europe.



iTeraCare is a certified household electrical appliance. It is "safe to use" certified. It does not emit harmful radiation and has labels allowing for its international distribution.

The iTeraCare device is not a medical device and the manufacturer does not provide medical advice. Users understand that the device is not intended to be used as a medical device or for diagnostic purposes on which reliance should be placed. Its use is not intended to replace the treatment or advice of a trained physician. Users understand that they use the iTeraCare device at their own risk.

Always consult your physician or other healthcare professional with any questions regarding your medical condition or for specific guidance on optimal use of the iTeraCare device, nutrition or physical activity.

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